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Students at Edmonton’s Calder School made more than 300 valentines for women and children who have accessed the services of local women’s shelters. Here, Grade 3 student Jenna Kanash displays her work. See story on page 8.
Students at Edmonton’s Calder School prepared for Valentine’s Day by putting some heartfelt thoughts onto heart cut-outs that were to be delivered to local women’s shelters. The school’s 282 students produced more than 300 cards.
“It’s so cool for our kids to have a chance to give back and for our kids to recognize that there are people out there who are not as fortunate as they are,” said principal Cathie Bush. “Our kids get so excited about this particular writing project because it’s real.”
On Thursday Feb. 8, Kevin Winkel’s Grade 5 students were busy writing short poems or words of encouragement such as “stay strong.”
“It’s an opportunity to share some kindness with some people who are going through a hard time,” Winkel said. “It’s a chance to open their eyes too, to some of the tougher things that are the realities of our society.” ❚
Grade 3 student Teeba Al Shaikhly shows off the valentine she made for a school-wide project that will provide more than 300 cards to individuals who have accessed the services of local women’s shelters. This is the third year that the school has participated in the program.